Northwest Montana: Lifestyle

It's life or death

the chips are down

you have just found out that you have
one year to live

what do you do ?

where do you live ?

who would you talk to and why ?

what words would you get down on paper?

what photos would you take?

what would you want me to know on this page
Long after you are gone
The other day I was giving advice
away freely, as I often do.

I told somebody who was pondering major life decisions
and considering what the next step would bring.
That a good thing to think about,
to put it all into clear perspective
would be to consider
" what if You truly had only one year to live "

Where would you live ?
What would you say to those around You?
what than would Really, Truly Become
the Most Important thing ???

If you can be honest with yourself on this
than that is your only choice
for what you Should be living Today.

"Your Dying"

It is as if someone telling you, your dying gives
you permission to finally be Yourself,
no longer do you care who judges the pictures on your wall
or the pendant around your neck,
no Longer do you care whose eyes will critisize
the hair style you choose or the shirt you wear.

Who cares right, who really cares what they think
now that your dying. As if the act of telling you
Your Dying gives you
Some sort of a free pass to live.

we Oftentimes find ourselves giving advice
that we cannot possibly stand to actually practice ourselves.

I am not sure if I am strong enough
to allow myself to do what I truly love,
not strong enough to face the glances and the undertones,
not strong enough to rise above that in which
has been ingrained in me as what I should be doing today.

I fancy myself as someone who could be different,
who could be anything I choose and I walk around
as if I make that choice everyday to do what I really want.
But the truth is I don't live in that kind of inner freedom.

I DO NOT give myself permission to be me
in every second of everyday.
Possibly I feel the Real Me will
offend someone.
the Big secret I keep from myself is
That no matter,if I walk an altered version of me
to make others comfortable or not,

I will still offend the senses of many.
so why not just be me ?
Is their glance or glare
really something I cannot take.

Come on, I have certainly known worse.

Today, I am setting out to live everyday
as if this is the last spring, the last new growth of
grass of will ever see, the last time I will see the snow melt
off the rocky mountain peaks, the last time I will watch the
ice on the lakes, thaw into a delightful array of blue.

the Last spring I will awaken to the songbirds
and feel the excitement of anticipating Summer Days.

If this truly was my last spring,
I would want to see as many flowers burst to life as I could,
to see all the babies of the woodlands and the fields.
I would want to breath as much mountain air as I could stand
and eat a rich, mesmerizing chocolate cake on the top of
the Highest Mountain Peak.

I would feel the waters of the Spring
to my core and let the cold crisp waters
remind me I am still Alive...

I would call you up and say
Come On Were going to the Mountain Top today.

and The dream I would leave You
would be Not how to Get Rich, not how to Make Friends
or cure the diseases of Man.

I would leave you photos of the wilderness,
I would leave you words to make you crave to know
the powerful mountain waters and deep mystical blue lakes.

I would tell you to know at least one mountain destination,
so that the peaks and streams tatoo you on
the inside of your soul and no matter where you go
you can recall the feeling of that place
and you can close your eyes and go there
to get in touch with you and to remember
what is Truly Real.

I would give you quiet mountain moments,
watching fawn play in the underbrush
and bear cubs jump into their favorits swimming hole.
The kind of things one can only find alone in the wilderness.

I would give you the gift of knowing the wilderness...
I would leave the mountain air for you
and the sounds of gentle streams
making their way into the valley floor.

I would tell you to help who you can,
and the ones you cannot, do not spend
one minute in guilt for it.
Move on to those you can smile to,
laugh with and create a better world
meandering among those who can hear you
and do not spend a lifetime beating on a closed door,
when so many others are OPEN...

Find your Open Door and Walk through it TODAY>>>>

the Wilderness
thats Where You Will Find Me.

In a Cabin on water that is free
and gracefully connected to everything.
Where Canoes of colorful array and
wooden boats site gently on glassy water.
And Mountain storms startle you with their power.

Where you will find a stillness like none other you have known.
A place where you know you are a better person,
just for having been there.

I will be there, and if they come to me
I will be kind, compassionate,
non judging and open to them.
And if they do not find me here in my wilderness
I will not weep
I will Simply be at home among the magical waters,
mystical peaks and secrets of the Rockies,
and the Wilderness will be Family to me....

Montana Eagles

Northwest Montana Guardian the Eagle of Northwest Montana are a sight to see,
the are calm, graceful and mesmerizing.

Nature Hikes

Almost time to get to those lakes
and favorite spots to watch
Nature come Out to Play
local Dragonfly on an Alkaline Lake
with white trees sticking out of the waters edge,
rich green douglas fir all around and peaceful, calm
waters to quiet you mind chatter.

Northwest Montana Hikes

Ross Creek Cedars Montana Northwest Montana Ross Creek Cedars.
this Is a great hike among wonderful large cedars.
for Northwest Montana, these are VERY large trees.
though THey are not redwoods and you cannot
drive a car through them but they are magical,
you can stand inside them and feel a definate difference in
your body; it is quite nice. a Must See fo r
Northwest Montana.

Northwest Montana Wilderness

Northwest Montana Backcountry Cabinet Mountains in the Libby, Northwest Montana Area.